Better Days Will Come. Keep the Faith.
Hey folks, welcome back to the blog. I know custom patches are probably the last thing on your mind right now, and I get that. They’re not really...
Hey folks, welcome back to the blog. I know custom patches are probably the last thing on your mind right now, and I get that. They’re not really Number One on my agenda either, and it’s my job to care about them. Just know that when you’re ready to order again, Custom Patches 4 Less is here to handle all your patch needs.
These are difficult times, no question, like none we’ve seen in our lifetime. Streets are empty. Shops are closed. Stores that are open have bare shelves. Record numbers of workers have lost their jobs. And worst of all, people are dying.
Scary times, to be sure.
And yet…
Good things are happening as well. People are helping each other out. Essential workers are being recognized. And not just medical staff. We’re starting to appreciate how vital truck drivers, housekeeping staff, grocery store employees, sanitation workers and many others are to our daily lives.
While we’re doing our best to cope with social distancing, we’re also coming together as a nation, and as a world, realizing we really are all in this together.
The novel coronavirus is a great equalizer. It doesn’t care what country we’re in, what race we are, whether we’re Republicans or Democrats, rich or poor. It doesn’t care if we’re men or women. It stalks us all with a ruthless efficiency.
In other words, it’s a blunt reminder of our shared humanity. That’s something that’s too easy to lose sight of in the day to day rush of life. But now that most of the world has slowed to a crawl, it’s possible to take stock in a new way.
No, we can’t go to restaurants. But we can share a meal with family at home. We can’t collaborate in the office. But many of us can still work together online. We can’t shop, at least not in brick and mortar stores. However, if we take a look around us, we might find that we don’t need as much as we thought we did.
The hardest part is the inability to see colleagues, friends and loved ones in person. Skype, Facetime and Zoom are poor substitutes for real human contact. But they’re certainly better than no communication at all.
The most important thing to keep in mind is that this too shall pass. While it is Now, it is not Forever. We will go out to dinner again soon. We will go to the beach. We will laugh together, and cry together, and talk together, in restaurants, in bars, in bowling alleys, theaters, offices, churches, synagogues and mosques.
And maybe, just maybe, we’ll be a little more patient with each other, a little kinder, as a result of our shared experience as human beings.
Dark times WILL end, my friends. And when they do, we’ll be stronger for them.